Welcome to Beech Class
Here you will be able to find information about the upcoming term including our long term plan and spellings for this term. You will also find our weekly timetable, dates for your diary and useful resources to support your child throughout the year.
Please do not hesitate to contact the main office if you wish to speak to me or message me directly through Class Dojo.
Miss Gibbons
Beech Class’ Routines
The school day begins promptly at 8:35am. Please drop your child off at the main school front door each morning.
Collection will be at 3:15pm from the main school gate.
This term PE will be on a Thursday morning. Children to come into school in their PE kits please.
Please ensure your child reads with you as much as possible throughout the week. Reading regularly will help support your child in their written work. Please ensure a comment is written into your child's reading record each time they have read and each book must be read twice unless they have passed turquoise book band. This will help keep communication consistent between school and home. There is also extra resources in their reading records should you need them.
Each Friday, a list of spellings will be sent home for your children to learn throughout the week. They will then have a small, very relaxed test the following Friday morning. Please check your child's bag/ book bag for their homework books.
Things to remember:
A pair of named wellies and a water proof coat must also be in school at all times for use up at the field, during outdoor learning, at the allotment and for any walks we may go on.
Don’t forget to look on Class Dojo to see what we have been up to this week!