Vision & Christian Values
Cold Aston C of E Primary Vision
Children are rooted at the heart of our family school community, where all are nurtured on their journey, nourished with faith and trust. Our exceptional setting inspires learners to explore, discover and be resilient while flourishing on their own path as world citizens.
Our Trust Vision
Rooted in our Christian understanding of life in its fullness, NCSF Trust schools are safe, aspirational learning communities where all are nurtured and cherished to shine and flourish as lights in the world.
What our parents say…
‘‘What is lovely to see is that the vision set out below does actually filter down to our children. I can really see how you are accommodating our own Childs personal journey whilst enabling her and encouraging her to explore and discover ways to learn that suit her in turn enabling her to be resilient when she tries new things! Without a doubt, the children are at the Heart of what you do - for any parent that spends time in school, it is obvious!’’
My son (5) is already referencing values, it is great to see his emotional intelligence being nurtured at a young age. We see and hear from his day-to-day interactions with his teacher that he experiences respect, warmth and care that inspires him to be confident and enjoy learning.
The motto/ values are useful as a quick reference to return to when discussing desirable and positive behaviour and a standard that provides a safe and nurturing environment for the children, which all ages and parents can easily understand.
We were walking through Bourton a few months ago when my child saw some rubbish in the river. He went to pick it up and said ‘oh mummy, that’s someone not respecting God’s world.’ Think that captures is beautifully!
Psalm 1:3
They will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever they do, they prosper.
And from that scripture our vision as a school was created. The passage resonated with us as school due to the growth that we hope to support our pupils with during their time here at Cold Aston incorporating the wonderful community environment in which we learn.
Children are rooted at the heart of our family school community, where all are nurtured on their journey, nourished with faith and trust. Our exceptional setting inspires learners to explore, discover and be resilient while flourishing on their own path as world citizens.
Our Motto as a school is Journeying together with love and trust
We have 3 school values that you will see displayed and celebrated throughout the school. They are Resilience, Respect, Responsible
In that we show resilience, we have respect and we are responsible
British Values
In line with the other schools that are part of the NCSF MAT, we recognise the importance of allowing pupils to flourish academically but also actively cherish them as individuals by preparing them for their adult life beyond our nurturing hub of schools. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values across our school and throughout our curriculum so that British values shine throughout all that we do.
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2015 Prevent Strategy and considered them to be:
rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect and
tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Within NCSF, pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Our children are confident in discussing their place in the world and the ways in which they can positively contribute to modern British society now and in the future.
The document above is an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British values within NCSF Schools and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.