Welcome from the Head of our School
A very warm welcome to our wonderful school. Set in the beautiful surroundings of the Cotswolds, Cold Aston C of E School is where our pupils are rooted at the heart of our family school community, nurtured on their journey, nourished with faith and trust. We want our pupils to gain the most from their education in order for them to achieve the very best that they can through exploring and discovering.
They will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever they do, they prosper.
Psalm 1:3
Our job, in partnership with parents, is to build the foundations for an outstanding education.
We enable each child to discover the joy of learning, to help them to fulfill every aspect of their potential and to encourage their growth into valuable citizens, ready to play their part in the world and their community. We focus on mental health, well-being and broader opportunities.
Children are rooted at the heart of our family school community, where all are nurtured on their journey, nourished with faith and trust. Our exceptional setting inspires learners to explore, discover and be resilient while flourishing on their own path as world citizens.
We are a small school with only 3 classes
With our small classes and it's ability to offer dedicated and individual attention to the children's aspirations, we make this a unique and exciting experience for all. We offer a creative, nurturing and broad curriculum which includes language, music, sport and outdoor learning specialist teachers. Community is at the heart of school life and the close links we have with parents and the local community helps us to cherish and nurture the children, enabling them to flourish and shine in whatever they do.
Please come and see what large benefits our wonderfully small school has to offer.
Mrs Alison Rawlings
What our parents say…
What is lovely to see if that the vision set out below does actually filter down to our children. I can really see how you are accommodating our own Childs personal journey whilst enabling her and encouraging her to explore and discover ways to learn that suit her in turn enabling her to be resilient when she tries new things! Without a doubt, the children are at the Heart of what you do - for any parent that spends time in school, it is obvious!
My son (5) is already referencing values, it is great to see his emotional intelligence being nurtured at a young age. We see and hear from his day-to-day interactions with his teacher that he experiences respect, warmth and care that inspires him to be confident and enjoy learning. The motto/ values are useful as a quick reference to return to when discussing desirable and positive behaviour and a standard that provides a safe and nurturing environment for the children, which all ages and parents can easily understand.