Wrap Around Care

Pumpkin Patch

Our before school breakfast club and after school club is known as 'Pumpkin Patch'. Our little 'Pumpkins' have a whale of a time with Miss. Pippa Taylor the Club leader.

Breakfast Club

Time: Drop off from 7.45am – 8.45am
Cost: £5.00per session including breakfast
Last breakfast is served:
Running: Monday – Friday ( We require at least one days notice, please book by 2.45p.m the previous day. We may be able to accept a booking in an emergency if we already have children attending on that day). 

The breakfast menu will be varied each day with a choice of breakfasts such as toast, cereal, fruit, yoghurt, juices and water.

  • Table manners and social time will be a very important part of this club and highly promoted

  • Low key activities such as reading, puzzles and board games will be available once the children have finished their breakfast

After School Club

Time: 3.15pm -5.00pm
£5.50 for session 1, 3.15 - 4.15 and then £6 for session 2- 4.15 up to 5p.m.

Late Pickups - After 5.00pm there will be an additional charge of £7 per every additional 15 minutes
Running: Monday – Thursday
(not available on a Friday)

There will be a variety of indoor and outdoor activities available each week

  • The activities objectives will be to ‘enjoy and have fun’

  • There will be special themed weeks

  • Children who attend extra-curricular clubs will be escorted to the after school club if they are then attending this and will be charged accordingly for their time at ‘Pumpkin Patch’

  • The club could be used by siblings whilst another sibling is at a club

  • We ask that if your child is staying with us past 4.30pm that you send in a small snack