Throughout the academic year, each class will be taught by a specialist music teacher for a period of 10 weeks each. This Year, Oak Class will be enjoying Samba workshops during the Autumn terms; in the Spring terms, Beech Class will be learning to play the Ukulele and during the Summer terms, Scots-Pine class will be learning to play the flute. These instrumental lessons build upon lessons children have had in previous years. Last academic year (2023-24) Beech Class enjoyed an Introduction to Infant Strings, Sycamore Class learnt to play the violin and Scots Pine had lessons playing the Clarinet.
When not receiving specialist instrumental tuition, class teachers will be teaching Music using the Charanga Scheme. The scheme was established to ensure that all the objectives are covered from the National Curriculum with supporting information including a vast library of songs, topics, videos and apps to support the delivery in the classroom. We are following the model music scheme in Year 1 up to Year 6. The scheme also allows for personalised learning as needed.
Respect- Pupils have access to valuable instruments that they are trusted to use and care for. These will be used during high quality music lessons and all children will be encouraged to also use their voices expressively as an instrument. Pupils will be encouraged to share their likes and dislikes using musical language they have learnt.
Resilience- Pupils perform to parents and or peers as a way to demonstrate and celebrate their learning and shine as both individuals and a group.
Responsible- All pupils’ enjoyment and enthusiasm of a variety of musical genres will be nurtured. Tuned and untuned instruments are available in class to use and for our younger pupils to experiment with during their Independent Learning time. Children regularly listen to different styles of music and all pupils are encouraged to share how the music makes them feel, their likes and their dislikes.
Purpose of Study
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.
Peripatetic Music Lessons
We are lucky to offer individual or group musical lessons with specialist music teachers. Currently we offer Piano, Guitar, Samba, Ukulele and Flute.
Extra Curricular Experiences
Choir Club is run in the Autumn Term. All pupils are invited and this culminates in two Christmas performances - a school carol service for parents and carers and also a performance at a community Christmas event. The impact of these wonderful opportunities is summed up in the comments below from pupils who performed to a live audience last year;
‘ I loved it’ ‘It was one of the best experiences of my life’, ‘ I liked the feeling of singing with a live orchestra’.